Building Updates

Building Update – March 16, 2023

We trust all is well with you and your families.

We are very excited to share an important milestone in the journey to our new YDLV home. After submitting the remodel plans, there was some back and forth with the county, including multiple revisions. Boruch Hashem, today, we were informed by Dr. Baktari and his team that the building department of Clark County has finally approved our plans! This means we are clear to hire a General Contractor and begin planning for actual demolition and construction! The clear Hashgocho Protis of Hashem’s guiding Hand has enabled this tremendous achievement and “Ain Anachnu Maspikim Lehodos…” Bezras Hashem, the process should continue smoothly until we can open the doors to greet more smiling children daily!


We want to take this opportunity to thank all the people without whom this tremendous achievement could not have happened.


We are grateful to the Board of Directors of Yeshiva Day School for providing the vision and sharing the responsibility for this giant leap into the acquisition and construction process. Thank you to Anthony Bock, Rabbi Daniel Rubenstein, and Leigh Silver.


We are eternally thankful to Dr. Jonathan Baktari, his VP, Mrs. Ashlee Arnold, and the entire team at Omni Development Corp, who have led the whole project from its inception through this stage. They began searching for a suitable property, continued managing the three simultaneous sales (negotiations, contracts, and extensions), fought for the special use permit, guided the architectural design and development, and ensured the permitting process continued until completion. These and other numerous details and challenges were executed and handled with skill, patience, care, and focus on ensuring the process would continue step by step.


The Ethos 3 Architect Team of John Lopeman, Christian Sapit, and the rest, have consistently moved the ball forward weekly for the last year and a half. Their professionalism and skill have produced a beautifully designed set of plans, which are now fully permitted to build!


Bob Gronauer and Elizabeth Olsen, legal counsel at Kaempfer Crowell have been enormously helpful in navigating the various county departments and shepherding through the legal and permitting process.


Thank you to all YDLV parents and donors for your support during this time. Bezras Hashem we anticipate sharing more great news in the near future.

All the best,

Rabbi Mendy Levine

Rabbi Dovid Mandel

Yeshiva Day School of Las Vegas